The Australian and Queensland governments invite you to have your say on the management of the Great Barrier Reef and the adjacent coastal zone. The comprehensive strategic assessment is being carried out under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and public consultation is a statutory requirement.

Feedback and comments received during consultation will be used to inform the preparation of final reports for the Great Barrier Reef Strategic Assessment. The final reports, as well as a report on the consultation, will be provided to the Australian Minister for the Environment for review and consideration.

Complete the online survey

Exhibition locations of the draft reports

Hard copies and electronic copies of the draft reports will be available for viewing at exhibition locations in Queensland from 6 November 2013.

View the downloadable PDFs of the draft reports now.

Written submissions can be made via:


post: Great Barrier Reef Strategic Assessment

Public Consultation Manager

GPO Box 668Brisbane QLD 4001

A written submission form is available and can be submitted by email or post.